Different Drummer

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Bonds of Loyalty - Jennifer Clark & Stephonie Williams

"It shall be the son, the firstborn in the new monarchy, who shall quiet the fears and unite the nation  again." ~ Bonds of Loyalty

"In June, we read Bonds of Loyalty by Jennifer Clark and Stephonie Williams. This book is the sequel to Mark of Royalty.  We continue Sarah's story as she struggles to feel of her worth as a princess and to understand her place in a kingdom she was born into but never knew.  She is engaged to Prince Alexander throughout the book, but finds her feelings swayed by her personal guard, Luther.  She leaves the land and home she loves to travel to Kyrnidan, where she is the first-born in the royal family, to meet the parents she has never known.  The story starts out with Sarah worrying about the things happening in her life, but it quickly escalates into a love triangle, a prophecy involving Sarah, secrets that need to be solved and political unrest within the kingdom with a threat of war.  It is exciting and keeps you reading as you want to solve the mysteries in the book.  I enjoyed seeing Sarah overcome her self doubts and start contributing as the princess she was born to be.  As she rises to the task, the prophecy becomes fulfilled, she feels of worth and understands her rightful place in the kingdom.

Some members of book club didn't like the book and thought it should have ended with the first sotry.  However, I really enjoyed the book because after reading Mark of Royalty, I was left with questions about what her real family would be like and would they embrace her or would her presence upset the balance of things.  The authors wove a wonderful story with memorable characters that I enjoyed sharing the journey with." ~ Suzanne