Different Drummer

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." ~Henry David Thoreau

Friday, June 15, 2012

Midnight and Edenbrooke

Our May Bookclub meeting was held at Paula's home, and we discussed two books: Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale, that Paula had suggested, as well as a book that Suzanne had recently suggested named Edenbrooke, by Julianne Donaldson.   The general consensus seemed to be that among those that had read both, Edenbrooke was prefferred.
A lot of the discussion about Austenland revolved around Shannon's other books, and her opinions about her own books and heroines.  I admit guilt in this wide and sweeping digression, but I must plead to having been influenced by a fondness for Shannon Hales writings and I am a follower of her self searching blog Squeetus.  Someone (I think Suzanne)  commented that they were sort of surprised at the difference between Austenland #1 and #2, because they had figured it would just be another character running through the same story, and they were  pleased that the journey was so different than the first. The story presents as a mystery.
Edenbrooke, also an Austen related novel written by an LDS author, was a period piece, and we all agreed it was well done, especially considering that it is a first novel.  I found a couple of small things that I did not think were consistent with the period, but did not find them too distracting.  The others loved the relationship between the heroine and her grandmother.  She was spirited, and evidently the Grandmother found common ground there, and there was some bantering which ensued. Alas I, of course, self proclaimed 'purist' that I am, didn't quite agree.

We closed the evening by discussing our choices for the Shakespearean Festival trip and decided on dates in August for our attendance.  Those attending  were Paula, Carolyn, Ann, Paulette and Suzanne.  -Contributed by Paula Perkins

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