Different Drummer

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen

 Our January book club was held at Suzanne's home, Thursday, January 24th.  We discussed Sarah Addison Allen's book, The Peach Keeper.  Ann told us about the author, Sarah Addison Allen who hails from Asheville, North Carolina and has a BA in Literature.  Her father was a reporter and editor for the local newspaper.  Her first published book was a Harlequin romance called , Tried and True, and she used the pen name Katie Gallagher. She worked for a man who appraised antiques and so her books often feature old homes.  She has a delightfully fun website that tells about her likes and interests, her books, etc . . . check out 100 Things for a delightful insight to Sarah.  She will tell you things like, "I get embarrassed when I see my car windshield wipers are going faster than everyone else's. Like I'm overreacting to rain."  
 Everyone enjoyed reading the book . . . some favorite things mentioned were the bits of mysticism laced throughout the story, the magic, how she uses food and food smells to bring understanding between people, the importance of coming back to your roots to know who you really are, the importance of friendship and the importance of developing new friendships as well.  Someone captured the essence of the story saying, "Everyone should be able to change, to become the person they are meant to be."

Suzanne treated us to a delightful array of Peach inspired desserts ~Peach Slush was served with Fresh Peach Cookies, Spiced Peach Cookies with Cardamon and Anise, Spring Earl Cookies and Shortbread.  

Our next book club will be held at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 28th at Paulette's home.  We will be discussing a Regency Novel, Frederica,  by  Georgette Heyer.

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