Different Drummer

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Let It Go by Chris Williams

"You can't always appreciate why you should keep moving forward until you've gone far enough to see the progress you've made." ~ Chris Williams, Time Out for Women

In November, we met at Sandy's home to discuss, Let It Go a True Story of Tragedy and Forgiveness, by Chris Williams.
We all learned a great deal from this book. Chris lost his wife and unborn child and two of  four children in a tragic auto accident in Salt Lake City.  It is his journey of forgiving the young man who hit them and working through the terrible loss he and his children faced.  He shows great faith and trust in the Lord and relies on the Savior to make it through each day.  

This is a remarkable true story, one of faith, fortitude, trust in the Lord, and being able to see and understand the burden that another person or family carries.  Chris reached out to the young man and his family and this is something rare in today's world.  We all felt that experiences and trials that Chris faced as he grew up helped him get through this difficult experience and has helped him teach others as well to trust in the Lord.

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