Different Drummer

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." ~Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross ~ August

“She had discovered that her love of knowing was not unnatural or sinful but the direct consequence of a God-given ability to reason.” 

Anti-pasto kabobs

 We met Thursday, August 2yth at Sandy's home to discuss Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross.  The book is very enlightening and interesting to read.  We enjoyed learning about the different cultures, the difficulties that women faced in that time of history and the hardships that people endured each day.
Joan was a very intelligent girl who loved learning and eventually disguised herself as a boy so she could go to school and continue her studies.  She later became a pope of the Catholic church, and was loved for her compassion and intelligence, but her tenure was short-lived.  Very interesting reading.  

Hummus, Pita Crackers and Kale Chips

Sandy served food from the Italian culture Anti-Pasto kabobs , as well as some legumes that the peasants used as staples in the form of Hummus, Pita Crackers and Baked Kale Chips.
Lillian, Suzanne, Carol, Paulette, Brittany, Paula and Ann
 “Is it not lack of faith that leads men to fear the scrutiny of reason? If the destination is doubtful, than the path must be fraught with fear. A robust faith need not fear, for if God exists, then reason cannot help but lead us to Him. Cogito, ergo Deus est,'says St. Augustine, I think, therefore God is.” 
― Donna Woolfolk CrossPope Joan― Donna Woolfolk CrossPope Joan
Lillian, Paula, Suzanne, Carol, Paulette, Sandy, Ann and Brittany

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