Different Drummer

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." ~Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Promise Me, By Richard Paul Evans

"As you read my story, there is something I want you to understand. That in spite of all the pain—past, present and that still to come—I wouldn’t have done anything differently. Nor would I trade the time I had with him for anything—except for what, in the end, I traded it for." 
Beth Cardall, Promise Me, Richard Paul Evans

 We met at Paula's historic home in Payson.  Her home is on the National Historic Home register and she has beautifully restored it.  Everywhere you look, there is a new delight to behold.
 Her lovely VictorianChristmas tree.

 The lovely table inviting guests to enjoy the delightful food, the company and festive  atmosphere.
Carolyn and Paula
 Paula's new black and white kitchen
An exotic Italian dish created by Suzanne
 The book we read this month was Promise Me, by Richard Paul Evans.  
A popular local author, we have read several of his books.
 "Stockings were hung by the chimney with care . . ."
Sandy, Carol, Suzanne, Stephanie, Patti, Lillian, Carolyn, Ann

Paula, Carol, Suzanne, Stephanie, Patti, Lillian, Carolyn, Ann

Carol, Stephanie, Lillian, Ann and Patti
 We enjoy a lively Gift Exchange - many of the books are put on our new years reading list, so we can all enjoy them.
Patti and Suzanne



Carol and Patti - measuring up

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